

Citação(ainda a propósito do referendo europeu):
13. O PS acredita que é preciso ser-se radical na defesa da democracia, como sistema político fundado nos direitos humanos, na soberania popular, no primado da lei e na livre competição entre ideias e programas, e como sistema social que se baseia na iniciativa das pessoas e valoriza a diversidade e a diferença, o encontro e o respeito mútuo entre gentes e culturas, a expressão criativa e a participação e inovação social. Para o PS, são prioritárias as reformas institucionais que favoreçam a participação democrática, aproximem dos cidadãos o Estado e a administração, melhorando o rigor, a eficiência e o sentido de serviço da sua acção, e aprofundem a descentralização administrativa, valorizando designadamente o poder local.
Os socialistas são democratas radicais, porque entendem que não há alternativa para a democracia, como regime político baseado na liberdade e na escolha popular, e entendem que a democracia constitui um fim em si mesma, um precioso bem que é necessário defender. A democracia é também uma cultura, uma maneira de conceber as acções e as relações entre os indivíduos e os círculos sociais que eles formam. Essa é a cultura da liberdade, da autonomia, da descentralização, da iniciativa, da criatividade, da comunicação, da participação no espaço público, da celebração da diversidade e das diferenças, do reconhecimento mútuo e do encontro. É a extensão aos vários domínios da vida social da convicção de que da pluralidade dos seres e das ideias e da livre argumentação e livre escolha se faz uma sociedade pacífica, dinâmica, culta e próspera.
Esta defesa radical da democracia e do valor e da prática da cidadania, quer como realização de direitos, quer como assunção de deveres e partilha de responsabilidades, é que deve orientar também as reformas do sistema político e da administração, no sentido de fomentar as condições e o alcance da participação dos cidadãos e aumentar a proximidade e a eficiência dos serviços que lhes são prestados
Declaração de Principios do PS

7 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

uma aliança protofascista da extrema direita com o populismo mais desenfreado e o obscurantismo retrógrado ultra-católico, com o apoio dos habituais idiotas úteis da chamada extrema-esquerda, chumbou o referendo ao Tratado Reformador da União. Deveria ser possível pôr o filme a andar para trás, em rewind, e mandar os irlandeses de volta para onde, pelos vistos, nunca deveriam, nem mereceriam, ter saído.

Anónimo disse...

Conduzida pela extrema-direita e outros sectores conservadores da sociedade irlandesa, a campanha do NÃO privilegiou três espantalhos: o fim da neutralidade militar, a imposição do aborto e os casamentos entre pessoas do mesmo sexo. Salvo o primeiro (uma possibilidade real), os outros são hipóteses virtuais. Seja como for, a Europa dos 27, ou seja, 490 milhões de pessoas, não pode ficar refém das idiossincrasias de 862 mil eleitores. Bem vistas as coisas, a culpa não é inteiramente dela. As cabecinhas que impuseram a obrigatoriedade da ratificação a 27, deviam ter pensado na eventualidade de percalços. Agora está feito. E seria um contra-senso manter o país como membro. A Irlanda deve ir à sua vidinha. Tão simples como isto.

Anónimo disse...

O PCP/BE andam de braço dado com esta gente. Uma amostra de como foi discutido o Tratado de Lisboa, no referendo Irlandês:
EU Population Control

On April 24th, Fine Gael Leader Enda Kenny, speaking to the Forum on Europe questioned a ‘No to Lisbon’ leaflet that stated ‘the Treaty will impose a limit on the size of Irish families’.

This is a direct reference to the Éire go Brách leaflet, which states: the EU is to impose further Population Control methods across Europe, which will result in the penalisation of large families, and similar to China may restrict families to a One Child Policy.

The facts surrounding this issue are as follows:

The EU through its repressive Population Control policies kills over 2.2 million children a year in Abortion clinics, mostly through legislation emanating from Brussels.

In Eastern Europe 45% of all conceived children are killed in abortion clinics, while in several countries this figure rises to 66%. The statistics for Northern Europe are 20%, Southern Europe 24% and Western Europe 16%.

Europe as an entirety kills over 5 million children a year, through Abortion, the morning after pill and other forms of poisons, which women are encouraged to take into their bodies after conception.

Annually England kills 201,171 children in abortion clinics, France 155,893 children, Italy 131,039, Germany 129,650, Netherlands 187,910, Romania 163,350 and Greece 107,545 (2005 figures). These figures exclude embryo research and chemical poisons and solely deal with babies cut out of their mother’s womb and murdered.

Population levels in Eastern Europe have already collapse with the exception of Poland. They have managed to bring their annual Abortion rate down from 272,000 deaths to less that a 1,000 killings a year.

In several Eastern European countries, the fertility rate for women has collapsed to 1.1%. This means a fraction over 1 child is being born into households, primarily because of repressive population control, manufactured poverty and a social culture that is anti children.

In Germany the fertility rate has been forced down to 1.4%, France 1.6% and Ireland 1.9%. For a population to sustain a healthy balance between Live-births and Deaths, it is necessary that the fertility rate is at least 2.2 children per woman.

In March this year, the Council of Europe through its Equal Opportunity Committee demanded that abortion be decriminalised throughout Europe, and a more mandatory form of Population Control be implemented.

This included the rights of women to freely have an abortion up to a minimum of 26 weeks, promotion of cheap but highly effective chemical poisons, step up their sterilization program, and introduce compulsory sex-education centred upon abortion into all schools (primary and secondary).

In the Lisbon Treaty itself, they have called for Article 14 (Right to Education) of the Charter of Fundamental Rights to be rigidly enforced.

Section 2. of this states: ‘The right includes the possibility to receive free compulsory education’, which if interpreted from their Population Control Policy, states ‘that restrictive criteria’s will be set down concerning education, where only small families can avail of free education. Large families will be penalised to discourage child-birth’.

They have also stated in Article 9, everyone will have ‘The Right to marry and the right to found a family’. This will include Homosexuals, Transvestites, and people of all sexual orientation; with the intention to take children off larger families and give guardianship of them to people who have chosen a lifestyle where it is impossible to procreate.

They state in Article 24 (Rights of the Child) ‘Children shall have the right to such protection and care is necessary for their well-being’. This well-being is to be decided by Commissioners whose countries allow adults to have sex with children as young as 13 (Spain), 14 (Bosnia, Estonia, Germany & Italy).

The EU will take children off families if they are poor; if a social worker says the parents cannot provide properly for their offspring – materially or educationally; if a parent has a criminal conviction and is seen as a negative role-model; or if their religious or political views contradict the aspirations of the EU.

Thousands of children were taken off parents and put into State custody. They ended up being horrifically abused by paedophiles and this was covered up by both the Church and State. Why has the State never been held accountable, and why are the Irish government now suggesting we should give the same powers to a super-state that is less accountable.

Article 9 clearly states that it a right to FOUND a family, as distinct from the CREATION of a family between man and woman.

Further to this, eleven EU countries on top of the €50 million budgeted by Brussels for Population Control give a further €289 million for population assistance, of which €28 million is spent directly on chemical-poisons, sterilization and abortion. That excludes what each country in the EU spends on Population Control against its own citizens.

“The E.U., which provides population assistance through the European Commission, has also substantially increased population funding. In 2001 and 2002 the E.U. level of population funding was less than $30 million annually; the level in 2003 was $229 million. Among European governments, only the Netherlands, Germany, and the U.K. provide more funds for population activities”.

Population Donor Landscape Analysis For Review of Packard Foundation International Grantmaking in Population, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights September 6, 2005
Enda Kenny has attempted to play down the issue of Abortion being foisted upon Ireland, yet in the last general election Fine Gael made a pre-election alliance with Labour who stated they would bring in unrestricted abortion into Ireland if elected to government.

Fine Gael has never tried to reverse the decision where as many 6,500 women are pressurised to travel to from Ireland to England each to kill their children in Death-Centres, nor have they questioned other EU countries on why they kill over 2.2 million children a year.

At the launch of their Lisbon Treaty campaign, Gay Mitchell TD, MEP, suggested it was either ‘the Lisbon Treaty or the Gas Chambers of Germany’. What about the murder of over 250 young babies an hour in Euro Death-centres Mr. Mitchell?

When all the facts are taken into consideration – the anti-child propaganda originating from the Liberal and Feminist Groups; the aggressive promotion of Abortion, Sterilization and Chemical-poisons; the repressive Taxes and forced collapse of the Home Economy; and the social pressure s placed on women not to have children – then YES the EU will control the Irish population further.

They will restrict family sizes through their policies, their actions, and their manufactured poverty based upon state control and the selective state subsidising of the family unit; a subsidy that is taken off families to begin with.

They have ruined the family wage of fathers over the years and actively give incentives to pressure women to work outside the home and put off child-birth, or worse restrict child-birth altogether.

Has anyone ever heard an Irish woman say ‘I can’t afford to have children’ or ‘have another child?’

It is only a matter of time before Europe restricts wages and increases its colonial plantation of foreign immigrants into Ireland. This will totally destroy Irish wage agreements and create new economic burdens. This will destroy working conditions, living standards, and the capacity to have children free from State and EU restrictions.

The Éire go Brách campaign stands over its leaflet that states that Europe will control child-birth, through Abortion, Sterilization, and Chemical-poisons. Europe will continue to bring in draconian Taxes, Carbon Fees, and Privatization, and eventually restrictions within maternity hospitals, so Ireland will fall into line with all the other child-killing countries of Europe.

We reject the child-killing program of Europe and their liberal allies – many who are obviously rooted within various Irish political parties.

Éire go Brách Campaign.


Anónimo disse...

Vão aqui: http://craobhgalgreine.blogspot.com/2008/05/eu-population-control-lisbon-treaty.html
e vejam o cartaz utilizado pelos defensores do NO! Bonito camarada Anacleto.

Anónimo disse...


Anónimo disse...

Um dos países mais pobres da Europa transformou-se, graças ao esforço do seu povo e aos milhares de milhões recebidos, numa economia forte e saudável. Uma minoria de eleitores desse país inviabilizou o tratado de Lisboa. As reformas urgentes dos processos de decisão desta união de 27 países terão de ser adiadas. Os irlandeses impediram aquilo que o tratado pretendia obter: uma maior democratização dos processos europeus. [...] Os referendos sobre a Europa têm sido utilizados para protestar contra problemas políticos, económicos e sociais internos. [...] De modo que os irlandeses, numa altura em que a economia do seu país dá sinais de estar em abrandamento, culpam a Europa e acusam o tratado de Lisboa de facilitar a prostituição e o aborto. [...] A Europa corre o risco de ter o destino de muitas empresas familiares: a primeira geração criou as fundações, a segunda alargou a construção, e a terceira dá cabo da herança. Que a base da União é o princípio de dar e receber é um facto que interessa a poucos, como se vê agora nos irlandeses, que dizem “não” com os bolsos cheios. Chegou o tempo de considerar seriamente uma proposta feita por políticos da CDU há quase uma década e meia: precisamos de uma Europa a duas velocidades, um núcleo europeu com países que se articulam de forma muito coesa, e à sua volta um conjunto de países com todo o tempo que precisarem para discutir se querem ou não fazer parte deste núcleo. [...].»

Anónimo disse...

afinal quem é que foi ver a seleção paga pela galp?
preciso de saber,dizem que foi um bacanal no hotel quem eram as putas

sinto vergonha de quem nos lidera